District Ranking

District No. of Visit Reports No. of Observations No. of Files No. of Roads Observed Previous Points Current Points Previous Rank Current Rank Change In Rank Action
Fufore 0 114 201 21 448 420 1 1 0
Ibesikpo Asutan 0 102 305 1 435 412 2 2 0
Danja 0 58 131 1 198 194 4 3 1
Tambuwal 0 58 128 1 201 191 3 4 1
Municipal Area Council 0 4 7 1 17 16 13 13 0
Ajingi 0 3 2 1 11 10 14 14 0
Etinan 0 1 2 1 9 8 15 15 0