Nigeria Rural Transport Infrastructure Management System (NiRTIMS)

About the System

NiRTIMS has been envisioned to be a computerized internet enabled system for the comprehensive road database which shall be used in overall planning and management of transport infrastructure within a LGA. The system includes numbers of features including:

  • A tool for prioritization of - annual road maintenance, upgrading and construction works based on the budget constraint scenario for development and maintenance related interventions;
  • A tool to manage LGA transport assets;
  • A comprehensive road network data management;
  • A contract management tool and the development of interfaces for uploading of contracts status report in relevant websites;
  • A tool to develop and update LGA yearly transport investment plans.
  • A tool to maintain and update the online GIS

NiRTIMS will support a comprehensive reporting system. It is envisioned that the system will have a central data repository and the LGA/States will logged into the server for the data entry and generation of relevant reports and Maps.

LGA Road Network

The NiRTIMS is uploaded with LGA Road network which can be maintained by the LGA/States.

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Annual Road Maintenance Programs

The Annual Road Maintenance Program of each of the LGA are uploaded in the system.

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Project Management Information

Information on all the LGA Level projects are provided with current status of the project.

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Online Maps

Online maps of LGA Road Network along with basic statistics are provided.

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Current Activities

The Progress data and maps are updated continuously by the various users. Summary of the current activities are automatically generated by the system.

Development & Support

The NiRTIMS has been developed through a collaborative effort of RAMP/RAAMP and Mr. Prashant Malla, SOFTWEL (P) Ltd, Nepal